Public Art near the Bath House
The Office of Cultural Affairs’ Public Art Program manages the commission and acquisition of new public art as well as the conservation and maintenance of the existing City art collection. Works of public art, many created by local and regional artists, enliven parks, libraries, fire stations, recreation centers and many more public locations in Dallas. For more information about the Office of Cultural Affairs’ Public Art Division, CLICK HERE.
The Bath House Cultural Center is surrounded by three art pieces that are part of the City of Dallas Public Art Collection.
RESACA – By Bradford Graves (Installed in 1987)
Mr. Graves’ abstract Indiana limestone sculpture is part of a series that was done by the artist with the same theme in the 1980s. The art medium and non-representational nature of the piece echoes a sense of the earth’s ever-changing surface texture. The viewer has the distinct feeling that a drenching rain would meld the carefully wrought pieces back in the earth’s surface, thus becoming once again a part of its geologic history.
A PLACE TO PERFORM – By Linnea Glatt (Installed in 1984)
Ms. Glatt’s artwork consists of a platform or stage-like area with a seating arrangement. Ms. Glatt states that the artwork is primarily utilized to provide a sense of place and to funcion as a vehicle of experiencing such a space—whether it be a solitary or group experience. The artist also indicates that the sculpture is designed for actual use by the public for spontaneous or scheduled performances of various kinds.
WHIRL – By John Christensen (Installed in 2006)
The bronze sculpture of tilted airy elliptical rings and leaf forms sits on a concrete pedestal in the center of the Bath House butterfly garden. Mr. Christensen’s intention is that the tile concrete base of his sculpture will be completely hidden after the plants reach maturity and the piece will appear to be floating. “I imagine a cart carrying a cloud of wind-swirled leaves,” stated John Christensen about his piece.